Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rhetorical Strategies for Essay Writing


1.Exemplification: Provide examples or cases in point. Are there examples - facts, statistics, cases in point, personal experiences, interview quotations - that you could add to help you achieve the purpose of your essay?
2.Description: Detail sensory perceptions of a person, place, or thing. Does a person, place, or object play a prominent role in your essay? Would the tone, pacing, or overall purpose of your essay benefit from sensory details?
3.Narration: Recount an event. Are you trying to report or recount an anecdote, an experience, or an event? Does any part of your essay include the telling of a story (either something that happened to you or to a person you include in your essay)?
4.Process analysis: Explain how to do something or how something happens. Would any portion of your essay be more clear if you included concrete directions about a certain process? Are there any processes that readers would like to understand better? Are you evaluating any processes?
5.Comparison and contrast: Discuss similarities and differences. Does your essay contain two or more related subjects? Are you evaluating or analyzing two or more people, places, processes, events, or things? Do you need to establish the similarities and differences between two or more elements?
6.Division and classification: Divide a whole into parts or sort related items into categories. Are you trying to explain a broad and complicated subject? Would it benefit your essay to reduce this subject to more manageable parts to focus your discussion?
7.Definition: Provide the meaning of terms you use. Who is your audience? Does your essay focus on any abstract, specialized, or new terms that need further explanation so your readers understand your point? Does any important word in your essay have many meanings and need to be need to be clarified?
8.Cause and effect analysis: Analyze why something happens and describe the consequences of a string of events. Are you examining past events or their outcomes? Is your purpose to inform, speculate, or argue about why an identifiable fact happens the way it does?
9.Argumentation: Convince others through reasoning. Are you trying to explain aspects of a particular subject, and are you trying to advocate a specific opinion on this subject or issue in your essay?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

graphic organizer

Graphic organizer

- Is an instructional tool used to illustrate a student or class's prior knowledge about a topic or section of text; specific examples include the K-W-L-H Technique and the Anticipation/Reaction Guide. Other organizers include the:

Spider Map

Used to describe a central idea: a thing (a geographic region), process (meiosis), concept (altruism), or proposition with support (experimental drugs should be available to AIDS victims). Key frame questions: What is the central idea? What are its attributes? What are its functions?

Series of Events Chain

Used to describe the stages of something (the life cycle of a primate); the steps in a linear procedure (how to neutralize an acid); a sequence of events (how feudalism led to the formation of nation states); or the goals, actions, and outcomes of a historical figure or character in a novel (the rise and fall of Napoleon). Key frame questions: What is the object, procedure, or initiating event? What are the stages or steps? How do they lead to one another? What is the final outcome?

Continuum Scale

Used for time lines showing historical events or ages (grade levels in school), degrees of something (weight), shades of meaning (Likert scales), or ratings scales (achievement in school). Key frame questions: What is being scaled? What are the end points?

Compare/Contrast Matrix

Name 1

Name 2

Attribute 1

Attribute 2

Attribute 3

Used to show similarities and differences between two things (people, places, events, ideas, etc.). Key frame question: What things are being compared? How are they similar? How are they different?

Problem/Solution Outline

Used to represent a problem, attempted solutions, and results (the national debt). Key frame questions: What was the problem? Who had the problem? Why was it a problem? What attempts were made to solve the problem? Did those attempts succeed?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sample note card Exercise#3 By: Rey G. Panesa

Creating Note Cards:
What did I Find?

When you have determined that a source contains material that is reliable and useful, you will want to take notes on it. There are three types of notes: summary, paraphrase, and quotation. Regardless of which type of notes you use, remember to cite the source.

SUMMARY NOTE CARD: This type of note card is used if you want to record only the general idea of large amounts of material. This is usually done either in outline or bulleted form. Even though you are not using the author’s exact words, the ideas you are using are not yours and therefore must be cited.

PARAPHRASE NOTE CARD: This type of note card is used if you require detailed notes on specific sentences and passages but do not need the exact wording. In other words, you are restating the material by rephrasing it in your own words. This requires that you alter not just the vocabulary used, but also the entire grammatical structure of the sentences. However, because the ideas you are using are not your own (even if the words are yours), you must cite the source of the information.

QUOTATION NOTE CARD: This type of note card is used when you believe that a sentence or a passage in its original form might make an effective addition to your paper. You should transcribe that material exactly as it appears, word for word, comma for comma, enclosing it in quotation marks to distinguish the quotation from summary and paraphrase notes. Try to use direct quotations sparingly in your paper, saving them for special emphasis. Again, you must cite the source.

The general rule of thumb for a note card is: one source + one topic = one note card.

*In addition to your actual notes, a note card should include:

1. A subheading

2. Enough information to enable you to locate the source easily in your working

This information should be the same as any parenthetical citation (author’s last name and page number).

Example of a Summary Note card:

Children and Sports Leonard 140

I. Sports
A. Cause children emotional stress
B. Cause children fear and anxiety
II. Scanlan and Passer’s Study
A. Of preadolescent soccer males
1. Shows losing players had post-game anxiety
2. Shows anxiety caused more problems
a. Avoid failure
b. Shy away from active participation

c. Won’t try new things

Example of a Paraphrase Note Card:

Children and sports Leonard 140

Stress and anxiety on the playing field can result in children backing away from participating in sports because they fear rejection if they perform poorly. This anxiety and stress is a result of the child’s fears of being hurt or not being good enough. A study by Scanlan and Passer, showing that boys who lose in soccer have more anxiety after losing a game than boys who win, confirms these findings.

Example of a Quotation Note Card:

Children and sports Leonard 140

“...(in organized sports) children may be subject to intense emotional stress caused by fear and anxiety ...concern about physical safety, and doubts about performance and outcome. This anxiety may emerge if children are ignored, chastised, or made to feel that they are no good. Scanlan and Passer’s study of preadolescent male soccer players showed that losing players evidenced more post-game anxiety than winning players. Children who experience anxiety in sport competition may try to avoid failure by shying away from active participation by developing excuses or by refusing to try new things.”

Note Card Tips

Note cards are a very necessary part of the research process. Once you have written a bibliography card for the source that your are using, you will begin writing note cards from that source. There are several important facts to remember about notecards.

1. Each note card should contain a title from the preliminary outline.

2. Each note card should also contain a letter in the top right-hand corner that tells which reference it came from. (This letter is the same letter that is on the bibliography card for the source you are using.)

3. Each note card should contain at least one sentence on it.

4. Each note card should contain paraphrased information that is summarized (in your own words).

5. The numbers on the note cards should go in consecutive order (1,2,3, etc.) even if the letter on the note card changes.

6. Each note card should contain a page number on the bottom. (This is helpful if you need to go back to the source.)

Let's say that your preliminary outline looks like the one below.

I. History of the Sport

II. Health benefits

III. Risks involved

IV. Cost of equipment

V. Famous bowlers

How to Write Note Cards

Back to Survival WebQuest

Information from Rockwood School District Research Paper Guide, 2004

Parts of a NOTE CARD -


Using a direct quote, summary, or paraphrase,

write only one piece of information written on one side of the card.


SAMPLE NOTE CARD with information directly written from source

-info must be reworded for assignment


"Avoid being in the water during darkness or twilight hours,

when sharks are most active and have a competitive sensory advantage."

(Joshua Piven)

SAMPLE NOTE CARD with information put into student's own words


When it's dark, sharks can sense things well and are very active;

stay out of the water in the dark.

(Joshua Piven)

Rhetorical Strategies for Essay Writing Exercise#2 By: Rey G. Panesa

There are several rhetorical strategies you can use to make your writing more powerful. It is often a good idea to use several of these strategies in combination, although not every strategy will be applicable to every essay or topic you are discussing.

  1. Exemplification: Provide examples or cases in point. Are there examples - facts, statistics, cases in point, personal experiences, interview quotations - that you could add to help you achieve the purpose of your essay?
  2. Description: Detail sensory perceptions of a person, place, or thing. Does a person, place, or object play a prominent role in your essay? Would the tone, pacing, or overall purpose of your essay benefit from sensory details?
  3. Narration: Recount an event. Are you trying to report or recount an anecdote, an experience, or an event? Does any part of your essay include the telling of a story (either something that happened to you or to a person you include in your essay)?
  4. Process analysis: Explain how to do something or how something happens. Would any portion of your essay be more clear if you included concrete directions about a certain process? Are there any processes that readers would like to understand better? Are you evaluating any processes?
  5. Comparison and contrast: Discuss similarities and differences. Does your essay contain two or more related subjects? Are you evaluating or analyzing two or more people, places, processes, events, or things? Do you need to establish the similarities and differences between two or more elements?
  6. Division and classification: Divide a whole into parts or sort related items into categories. Are you trying to explain a broad and complicated subject? Would it benefit your essay to reduce this subject to more manageable parts to focus your discussion?
  7. Definition: Provide the meaning of terms you use. Who is your audience? Does your essay focus on any abstract, specialized, or new terms that need further explanation so your readers understand your point? Does any important word in your essay have many meanings and need to be need to be clarified?
  8. Cause and effect analysis: Analyze why something happens and describe the consequences of a string of events. Are you examining past events or their outcomes? Is your purpose to inform, speculate, or argue about why an identifiable fact happens the way it does?
  9. Argumentation: Convince others through reasoning. Are you trying to explain aspects of a particular subject, and are you trying to advocate a specific opinion on this subject or issue in your essay?

Graphic Organizer examples Exercise#1 Rey G. Panesa

Cloud diagram
Tree diagram
Time sequence
Flow Chart
Venn diagram
Pie Chart/
Circle Graph

pie chart
Semantic Feature Analysis
Semantic Feature Analysis
Cause and Effect
cause and effect
Decision Making
decision making
Main/Supporing Ideas
supporting ideas
5 W's
5 Ws
5 Ws
Character Traits
character map
Story Map/
Book Report

Story map
Non-Fiction Book Report
Animal Report
Animal Reports
Geography Report
Native Americans
North America
Biography map
Astronomy Report
Scientific Method
Scientific Method